Monday, February 21, 2011

Recent Wish List

Recently I've been trying to keep my spending to the minimum and maximize (attempting) my savings. I need to start saving my money for school and rent in the big city next September. BUT that doesn't mean I can't think about and browse items that I would like to save up for in the future. Here are some things that are pure, frivolous, and unapologetic wants.
 1. The Clarisonic Mia. 
I have been wanting a Clarisonic for some time now, but the price has always stopped me from purchasing it. Although, the more inexpensive model here, the Mia, is much more affordable (although still quite pricey). It is supposed to give you the best of the best exfoliation, which is something, I admit, I do need to do more. I don't want to use hard, sharp scrubs on my face, so when I save up my pennies this is definitely an item I will purchase.

 2. Benefit's CORALista blush
I have never owned a Benefit blush before, but I think I will have to break my Benefit blush virginity with CORALista. In general I always seem to gravitate towards coral-y colours of makeup. I find it really compliments my blue eyes and medium/olive skin tone. I have been so close to buying this blush so many times but I have always stopped myself because I have so many other blushes. I have also been weary about the packaging. Albeit it's adorable, I travel a lot back and forth between mine my boyfriends place and the packaging doesn't seem very travel-friendly. But that's just a minor detail. Soon you will be mine CORALista!
3. Benefit's Eye Bright
Another Benefit product. I saw a youtube video on this particular product and ever since then I have been wanting it so so so bad. It works as an eye brightener (as the name suggests), but it also works as a great overall highlight for the face or under the brows. I don't live particularly close to a Sephora, but my Shoppers sells Benefit. Although when I went to go see if they had this product they didn't carry it. So this will have to go on my list for my next Sephora visit.
4. A Macbook Pro
My last item is not beauty related, but I had to include it because I want it sooooo bad. I have never owned an Apple computer. To my own dismay I have been unhappily using my HP laptop for years. It is slow, overheats, and just plain bad. For my birthday in July I am begging my parents and boyfriend to help pitch in so I can get one for school. I mean, if it's for school it's a NEED, right? Right? :)

Please don't forget to follow my blog!
lots of love


  1. I have all 4 of the items on your wishlist and you NEED them all hehe. The Clarasonic is a worthy investment, it will transform your skin.

    Coralista is my fav blush by Benefit and def in my top 10 of all time. Eyebright is a fabulous and unique product too.

    Once you go apple you'll never go back! My home pc is a macbook and my work is a HP desktop... it sucks going to work everyday and having to deal with this :S Oh and i had an OLLLLLLD HP LAPTOP for years that overheated so bad, i had to buy like a little fan and sit that behind it just so it would run lol xx

  2. I saw someone post the Olay has a scrubbing brush (sort of like the Clarisonic) but I haven't been able to find it yet. I think it's $30 so it might be something to look into until you can get the other one! :)

  3. I'm going to try out the benefit blush range too, they look amazing :)
    Cute blog, maybe check out mine?? xxx


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